Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu
The Ahl-e-Sunnat wa Jama'at has reached consensus (Ijma') that after the Prophets (Alaihim as-Salam) the best of creation are the four rightly guided Khalifas (Khulafa-e-Arba'a i.e. Hadrat Abu Bakr, Hadrat Umar, Hadrat Uthman and Hadrat Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum Ajma'een).

Their sequence of excellence is that Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddique is the most excellent, then Sayyiduna Umar, thereafter followed by the excellence of Sayyiduna Uthman and Sayyiduna Ali (Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een).
 Here I present few proclamations of the Classical Scholars and Jurists in this regard.

Proclamations of the Classical Scholars and Jurists

1. Imam al-Aazam Abu Hanifa gave one of the pithiest definitions of Sunnism in Islam:


"The doctrine of Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama'a consists in preferring the Two Shaykhs (tafdil al-shaykhayn) [i.e. Abu Bakr and 'Umar over the rest], loving the Two Sons-in-law (hubb al-khatanayn) [i.e. 'Ali and 'Uthman], and wiping on leather socks (al-mas-h 'alal-khuffayn) [i.e. all three contrary to Shi'is]." [Khulasat al-Fatawa, Vol. 2, Page 381]

Narrated by Ibn 'Abd al-Barr in al-Intiqa' bi-Manaqib al-A'immat al-Thalathati al-Fuqaha' through several different chains. The same is also related from Sufyan al-Thawri by al-La'laka'i in his I'tiqad Ahl al-Sunna, Vol. 1, Page 152.

2. Imam al-Aazam Abu Hanifah in Fiqh Al-Akbar:


"The most superior and the best of all men after prophets – blessings and peace upon them – is Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. And then, Umar ibn al-Khattab al-Faruq. And then Uthman ibn Affan Dhu’n Nurayn. And then ali ibn Abu talib al-Murtada. May Allah be well pleased with them all; they were worshippers and steadfast on Truth and sided with Truth. We love all of them." [Fiqh Al-Akbar]

3. Imam al-Nawawi said in his Fatawa:


"Know that each of Abu Bakr and 'Umar is better than 'Ali according to the Consensus (ijma') of Ahl al-Sunna. The proofs for this in well-known sound hadiths are too famous and countless to be listed." [Fatawa Imam Nawawi, Page 264]

4. Imam al-Haytami said in his Fatawa Hadithiyya:


"The preferability of Abu Bakr over the other three and that of 'Umar over the  ther two is agreed upon by Consensus (mujma' 'alayh) of Ahl al-Sunna and there is no disagreement among them concerning this." [Fatawa Hadithiyya, Page 155]

5. Ali al-Qari in MinaH ar-Rawd al-Az’har, SharH Fiqh al-Akbar:


"The best of humans after prophets is Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu"... "The superiority of Abu Bakr and Umar is an unanimous agreement in the Ahl as-Sunnah." [Sharh Fiqh al-Akbar]

6. Mulla 'Ali al-Qari said in Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar:


"It is patent that to prefer 'Ali to the Two Shaykhs contravenes the doctrine of Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama'a according to what the totality of the Salaf follow." [Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar, Page 140]

7. Imam al-Daraqutni was once asked to arbitrate between two groups in Baghdad who differed whether 'Uthman was preferable to 'Ali or vice-versa. He relates:

"At first I withheld from taking any position and considered reserve best. But then I reached the conclusion that Religion dictated other than silence. So I said: 'Uthman is better than 'Ali with the agreement of the assembly of the Companions. This is the position of Ahl al-Sunnah, and it is the first knot of the Rafida one cuts loose." [Siyar A'lam al-Nubala', Dar al-Fikr Edition. Vol. 12, Page 483]

8. Al-Dhahabi quotes the above in his chapter on al-Daraqutni in Siyar A'lam al-Nubala' then comments:

"...Both 'Uthman and 'Ali possess great merits and precedence and are among the foremost shuhada'. However, the vast majority of the Community agree to give precedence to 'Uthman, and this is our position also; and better than both of them without doubt are Abu Bakr and 'Umar. Whoever differs with this is a hardened Shi'i." [Siyar A'lam al-Nubala', Dar al-Fikr Edition. Vol. 12, Page 483-492]

9. Imam Abu Jaafar Al-taHawi in Al-aqidah at-taHawiyyah:

"We affirm the succession after RasulAllah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam first for Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu – on account of his superiority upon the entire ummah and being paramount among them. Then, Umar ibn al-Khattab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu. Then, Uthman ibn affan Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu. Then, ali ibn Abu talib Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu. For they are the Rightly Guided Successors [khulafa ar-rashidun] and The Guiding Leaders [ayimmah al-muhtadun - in another version ayimmah al-mahdiyyun]." [al-Aqida at-Tahawiyyah]

10. Saad ad-Din Taftazani in his SharH al-MaqaSid, In the Fifth Discussion:


"The Imam (leader of Muslims) after RasulAllah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam is Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu. The Shiah say: ali. And we say: There is a unanimous agreement (ijmaa) of every person of importance (the ahl al-Hill wa’l aqd – from the council, prominent ones, nobles etc.) on this matter." [SharH al-MaqaSid]

11. In the Sixth Discussion, Saad ad-Din Taftazani says:


"Superiority, according to us [ahl as-sunnah] is according to the order of succession (of Khalifahs)." [SharH al-MaqaSid]

12. Ali al-ushi in Bad-yi’l Amali and ali al-Qari in its commentary: daw al-Maali


وللصديق رجحان جلي ... على الصحاب من غير احتمال
And Siddiq has a prominence and superiority
Upon all companions without any doubt

وللفاروق رجحان وفضل ... على عثمان ذي النورين عالي
And Faruq has prominence and superiority
Upon Uthman – he of the two lights, the lofty

وذو النورين حقا كان خيرا .... من الكرار في صف القتال
And Dhu’n Nurayn has the right, that he is superior to
al-Karrar, the brave and unflinching in the face of battle

وللكرار فضل بعد هذا .... على الأغيار طرا لا تبال
And superiority is due to ali the brave, after this
Upon everybody else without any hesitation

13. Jawharah at-TawHid, Ibrahim al-Laqqani and its commentary TuHfatu’l Murid, Ibrahim al-Bajuri.


وخيرهم من ولي الخلافة .... وأمرهم في الفضلك الخلافة
And the best of them are the successors to khilafah
And the order of their superiority is like the khilafah.

14. Ibn al-Jawzi in Manaqib Ahmad relatedly said:


"Whoever prefers 'Ali to Abu Bakr maligns the Prophet; whoever gives 'Ali preference over 'Umar maligns the Prophet and Abu Bakr; and whoever gives 'Ali preference over 'Uthman maligns the Prophet, Abu Bakr, 'Umar, and the Emigrants. Nor do I believe that the deeds of such a person are accepted." [Manaqib Ahmad, Page. 162]

15. In the very beginning of his Kashf Mushkil Hadith al-Sahihayn in four volumes, in print, Ibn al-Jawzi mentions the anecdote of a Rafidi asking a Sunni:


"Who is nobler than five under a cloak, the sixth of whom is Gibril?" (in reference to the established hadith wherein the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, gathered Sayyida Fatima, her two sons and her husband under his cloak) whereupon the Sunni replied: "Two in the cave, the third of whom is Allah" (in reference to the verse of Qur'an and hadith of the Prophet and Abu Bakr in the cave on the way to Madina).

16. In Nazm al-Mutanathir min al-Hadith al-Mutawatir, al-Alim al-Rabbani, al-Sayyid Muhammad Jafar al-Idrisi al-Kattani (d. 1927) mentioned:


"The Ahadith on the Afdhaliyya of Abu Bakr over the Sahaba are mutawatir by meaning." [Nazm al-Mutanathir min al-Hadith al-Mutawatir Page 202]

He quotes Qastallani's Irshad al-Saari Baab Tafadhul Ahl al-Iman fi al-A'man from the Book of Imaan who quotes Ijma' of Ahl al-Sunnah on this. He also quotes Ibn Hajar from al-Sawa'i al-Muhriqa and Ibn Taymiyya from al-Wassiyyat al-Kubra who mention that it the reports are mutawatir.

17. al-Sayyid Yusuf al-Nabhani quotes Fatawa Ibn Hajar, in his al-Sharaf al-Mu'abbad, who says in its khatima:


"It has been soundly narrated from Ali himself: the best of people after the Prophet is Abu Bakr then Umar and then someone else... it is from this that the Ahl al-Sunnah from the Sahabah and Tabiun and those after them agree (ijma) that Abu Bakr is absolutely excellent among all Sahabah and then Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both)." [al-Sharaf al-Mu'abbad, Page 207]

18. Imam Yusuf bin Ismail an-Nabhani mentions that Ibn Hajar was questioned on another occasion whether the excellence of one over the other among the four was qat'iyya or Ijtihadiyya to which he replied that


"The excellence of Abu Bakr over all is Mujma' alayh among Ahl al-Sunnah and there is no dispute in this, and consensus implies qata'." [al-Sharaf al-Mu'abbad, Page 208]

19. Imam Sha'rani quotes Abu Bakr al-Ayyash in his Minan who said:


"If Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali ever came to me for something, I would attend Ali first for his close relation with the Messenger of Allah, and I would prefer falling from the sky to the earth over giving Ali preference (in fadhila) over the two". [al-Sharaf al-Mu'abbad, Page 209]

20. Shaykh Nabhani quotes a hadith from Musnad al-Bazzar from Usayd bin Safwan in which the demise of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him and Ali's words in his manaqib are narrated. Sayyiduna Ali directly speaking to the former on his deathbed after his demise calls him


"most excellent of the Sahabah in his Manaqib",
"greatest of them in his rank",
"most noble of them in his station", and
"most honoured among them in the Messenger's court"!! [al-Sharaf al-Mu'abbad, Page 193]
21. It is written in renowned Islamic Fiqh books, Fatawa Khulasa and Khazanat al-Musannifin, that:


“Anyone, who claims that Hadrat Mawla Ali (Karam Allahu wajh al-Karim) is superior to all companions, is a heretic, and a wrongdoer.”

a. Fatawa Khulasa, in ‘Kitab al-Salat’ (chapter of Salah) Section: 15
b. Khazanat al-Musannifeen, in the chapter of ‘Kitab al-Salat’ (Book of Salah) in the section ‘To follow a Rafidhi in Salat, is it right or wrong’?

22. It is stated in Fateh al-Qadeer, Sharah “Hidaya” and Hashiyyah on “Tabi’een al-Salamah” that:


“Anyone, who prefers Mawla Ali above the other three rightly guided Caliphs, is a misled.”

a. Fateh al-Qadeer, Sharah (a commentary) on the most renowned and reliable Fiqh book “Hidaya”, Printed in Egypt, Vol 1, Page 248
b. Hashiyyah (a commentary) on the Fiqh book “Tabi’een al-Salamah”, by Allama Ahmad as-Salabi, Printed in Egypt, Vol 1, Page 135

23. It is also written in the following Fiqh books “Bada’eh”, “Bazaziyyah”, “Asabah”, “Fan al-Sa’ani”, “al-Haf al-Abrar wal-Basair”, “Fatawa Qurwiyyah” and “Waqiat al-Muftiyyin”, and all these books have quoted references from another most authentic and renowned Fiqh book “Fatawa Khulasa”, that:

“Anyone, who prefers Hadrat Mawla Ali (Karam Allahu wajh al-Karim) over them (Shaykhain) is a misled and heretic.”

a. Bada’eh, Vol 3, Page 264
b. Bazaziyyah, Vol 3, Page 319
c. Asabah - Printed in Egypt, Page 187
d. Fatawa Qurwiyyah - Printed in Egypt, Vol 1, Page 25
e. Waqiat al-Muftiyyin - Printed in Egypt, Page 13

24. It is mentioned in another authentic and most renowned Fiqh book “Majma al-Anhar”, Sharah (a commentary) on the book “Multaqi al-Abhar”, that:


“Tafdhili, those who prefer Hadrat Mawla Ali Radi Allahu Anhu above the other three Caliphs are misled. [Majma' al Anhar - Printed in Istanbul, Vol 1, Page 105]

25. Sayyiduna Meer Abdul Wahid Hussayni Zaidi Wasti Bilgraami has written in his ‘Sabaa Sanabil Sharif’:


After Hadrat Abu Bakr comes the excellence of Hadrat Umar, then Hadrat Uthman and then Hadrat Ali. He who does not accept Hadrat Ali as the Khalifa is from the Kharijees and he who regards him (Hadrat Ali) to be more excellent than Hadrat Abu Bakr and Umar is from the Raafdhis. [Sab'a Sanabil, Page 10]


There is an Ijma' of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah on the fact that Sayyiduna Abu Bak Al-Siddiq is the most superior amongst the companions of our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon Him and Allah is pleased with them all). After him comes the excellence of Hadrat Umar, then Hadrat Uthman and then Hadrat Ali Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een. They all were pious worshippers and steadfast on Truth and sided with Truth and we love all of them.

He, who believes that Sayyiduna Ali or any other companion is more superior above Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, is misguided from the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah. The true Love for Sayyiduna Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu will only and only be valid and beneficial when his teachings, Aqida and Iman is also followed. The Ahl al-Bayt should themselves talk more often about the tafhdil of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr  as-Siddiq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu as this is mass-narrated from Sayyiduna Ali Karram Allahu Wajh al-Kareem himslef, and a sunnah of his.

And Allah Most high alone gives guidance!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Umm al-Mu'mineen Hadrat Sayyidah Juwairiyah bint al-Harith Radi Allahu Anha
Sayyidah Juwairiyah bint Harith, may Allah be pleased with her, was a very charming, sweet and very beautiful lady. All who saw Sayyidah Juwairiyah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha) were stunned by her exceptional beauty. Brought up as she had been in one of the foremost families of the time, she was not only beautiful but graceful, elegant and eloquent. Anyone who saw her could not help being captivated by her charm and pleasant demeanour. Her father was Harith ibn Abi Dirar, who was the chief of the Banu Mustaliq. When Sayyidah Ayesha (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha) first saw Sayyidah Juwairiyah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha) she exclaimed that she was as beautiful as a fairy.

She married the beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) in Sha'baan 5 A.H., when the beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam was fifty-eight years old and she was twenty, not long after his marriage to Sayyidah Zainab bint Jahash. Before then she was married to Musaafi’ bin Safwaan who was not a Muslim and was killed in the very battle wherein she was captured.

Before her marriage to the Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) her name was Barrah, but beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam changed it to Juwairiyah. Sayyidah Zainab bint Jahash, Zainab bint Umm Salamah and Maimoonah bint Harith Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhunna were also named Barrah, but the beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam changed their names as well.
Marriage of Sayyidah Juwairiyah bint Harith (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha):

News reached the Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) on Sha‘ban 2nd to the effect that the chief of Bani Al-Mustaliq, Al-Harith bin Dirar had mobilised his men, along with some Arabs, to attack Madinah al-Munawwarah. Buraidah bin al-Haseeb al-Aslami was immediately despatched to verify the reports. He had some words with Abi Dirar, who confirmed his intention of war. He later sent a reconnoiterer to explore the positions of the Muslims but he was captured and killed. The Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) summoned his men and ordered them to prepare for war. Before leaving, Sayyiduna Zaid bin Harith was mandated to see to the affairs of Madinah al-Munawwarah and dispose them. On hearing the advent of the Muslims, the disbelievers got frightened and the Arabs who were with them defected and ran away for their lives. Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu was entrusted with the banner of the Emigrants, and that of the Helpers went to Sa‘d bin ‘Ubada. The two armies were stationed at a well called Muraisi. Arrow shooting went on for an hour, and then the Muslims rushed and engaged with the enemy in a battle that ended in full victory for the Muslims. Some men were killed, women and children of the disbelievers taken as captives, and a lot of booty fell to the lot of the Muslims. Only one Muslim was martyr by mistake by a Helper. Amongst the captives was Sayyidah Juwairiyah, daughter of Al-Harith, chief of the disbelievers.

It is written that after this battle the prisoners were distributed among the soldiers, and Juwairiyah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha) fell to the lot of Thaabit bin Qais (or his cousin, according to some reports). Her father took along a number of camels as ransom for his daughter, hoping to buy her freedom. As he was on his way to Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam), he decided to keep back two camels that he liked. So he hide the two camels in a valley just outside Madina Munawwarah and continued with the rest. When he arrived in the presence of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) he presented the camels and asked that these be accepted in lieu of his daughter’s freedom. The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) asked him: “And what about the two camels you hid in the valley?!?!” Haarith was totally flabbergasted. Immediately he uttered the Shahaadha and entered Islam, admitting that none besides Allah could have given information to the Messenger about these camels.

Meanwhile, Sayyidah Juwairiayh had made an agreement with her new master Thaabit to pay for her freedom. This was the famous Mukaatabat Contract in Islam in terms of which slaves could work and buy their freedom for a fixed sum of money. However, Juwairyah had no intention of working for her freedom. She had a better idea. She asked to see Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam).

In fact, she demanded to see the Prophet Muhammad, with the intention of asking him to help her with the ransom money. At that time The Messenger of Allah was in the house of Sayyidah Ayesha (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha). She was permitted to see the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) and was taken to him while he was with Sayyidah A'isha. After she had finished speaking, the Prophet thought for a moment, and then said, "Shall I tell you what would be better than this?"  She said, “And what is that Our Messenger of Allah?” He replied: “I pay your freedom money, and you marry me.”

Moved deeply by this unexpected elevation in her status, she exclaimed she would be more than happy to accept. She was freed, and swearing allegiance to Islam, she married the beloved Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam). Although Juwairiyah was young and beautiful and of noble lineage, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was thinking of how to save her and all her tribe from an ignoble fate. By marrying Sayyidah Juwairiyah, the Banu Mustaliq would be able to enter Islam with honor, and with the humiliation of their recent defeat removed, so that it would no longer be felt necessary by them to embark on a war of vengeance that would have continued until one of the two parties had been annihilated. As soon as the marriage was announced, all the booty that had been taken from the Banu Mustaliq was returned, and all the captives were set free, for they were now the in laws of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This is when Sayyidah A'isha said of Sayyidah Juwairiyah, "I know of no woman who was more of a blessing to her people than Juwairiyah bint al-Harith."
Virtues of Sayyidah Juwairiyah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha):

Most of the time she would be found engrossed in prayer. It has been related by Juwairiyah that early one morning the Messenger (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) left her room while she was doing the dawn prayer. He returned later that morning and she was still sitting in the same place. "have you been sitting in the same place since I left you?" he asked. "Yes," she replied. Whereupon the Prophet (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) said, "I recited four phrases three times after I left you, and if these were to be weighed against what you have been reciting since dawn, they would still outweigh them. They are:

سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته'Glory be to Allah and Praise be to Him as much as the number of his creations, and His pleasure, and the weight of His Throne, and the ink of His words.'" [Sahih Muslim, Kitab Al-Dhikr, Hadith 6575]

Which reminds us of the following verse of the Holy Qur'an:

قل لو كان البحر مدادا لكلمات ربي لنفد البحر قبل ان تنفد كلمات ربي ولو جئنا بمثله مددا"Proclaim, 'If the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, the sea would indeed be used up and the Words of my Lord would never - even if we bring another like it for help.'" [Surah al-Kahf, Verse 109]

Her Demise:

Sayyidah Juwairiyah was married to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for six years, and lived for another thirty-nine years after his demise. She passed away at the age of sixty-five in Safar in the year 50th after Hijrah during the caliphate of Sayyiduna Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. The governor of Al-Madinah, Marwan bin Hakam led the funeral prayer and she was buried in Jannat al-Baqi.
يا ايتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي الى ربك راضية مرضية فادخلي في عبادي وادخلي جنتي
O the contented soul! Return towards your Lord – you being pleased with Him, and He pleased with you! Then enter the ranks of My chosen bondmen! And come into My Paradise! [Surah al-Fajr, Verses 27-30]

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

..:: Gems of Wisdom ::.. by Ameer al-Mo'mineen Sayyiduna Uthman al-Ghani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
  • Astonishing is he who finds death a reality, yet continues to laugh.
  • Astonishing is he who knows this World will soon perish yet keeps close association with it.
  • Astonishing is he who knows about fate yet mourns the loss of a thing.
  • The slip of the tongue is more dangerous than the slip of the feet.
  • If the eyes are bright and shining daily then it is a Day of Resurrection.
  • To stop sinning is easier than to seek forgiveness.
  • Make a purpose for life, then utilize all your strength to achieve it, you would definitely be successful.
  • I am astonished with that person who recognizes this World as perishable and understands all about fate yet mourns the loss of things. I am astonished with that person who believes in Rewards, Punishment of Hell and Paradise, yet he still commits sins. I am astonished at that person who knows that Allah exists yet remembers others and seeks there assistance.
  • A family man’s actions are presented together with that of a Mujahid (Muslim soldier) in the court of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
  • I am astonished with him who regards the reality of the existence of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala yet remembers others and asks for there assistance.
  • I am astonished by that person who believes in Hell yet continues to sin.
  • I am astonished at that person who brings Faith in Paradise yet associates himself to the pleasures of this World.
  • I am astonished at that person who regards Iblees (Satan) as his enemy yet continues to follow him.
  • Squandered is that 'Aalim (Learned man) to whom a person cannot ask a question. He is likened to that weapon which is not put to use - that wealth which is not utilized in good work - that knowledge without application - that Mosque which Salaah is not read - that Salaah that is not performed in a Mosque - that good advise which is not accepted - that book which is not read - that worshiper who keeps in his heart the pleasures of the World and that long life which had not stocked on provisions for the Hereafter.
  • At times, to forgive or pardon a criminal makes the criminal more dangerous.
  • O Mankind! Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala has created you so that you may please him, yet you choose to please others.
  • 9/10 of the shares belonging to Peace and Safety are in isolating oneself from the people and the remaining one share lies in meeting with the people.
  • A person in times of difficulty acts upon his own devices thus depriving himself of the help of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. He turns himself away from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, therefore Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala turns His Attention of Divine Grace from him too.
  • Isolation is most beloved to the beloved of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
  • Excessive politeness is a sign of Malice.
  • Do not rely on anyone except Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and do not fear anything except your sins.
  • In whichever manner a person recognizes the World, so too, did his inclination occur towards it.
  • To knowingly partake of the pleasure offered by this material World is to reduce the remaining rewards and good deeds.
  • Test the worldly people in any matter you wish to and you would find them to be no less than snakes and scorpions.
  • The existence of good things and wealth in abundance is also a medical complaint. (meaning unhealthy)
  • Knowledge combined with action is profitable and action without knowledge does not benefit anything.
  • Do not place your burdens on anyone, although it is few or many.
  • A pious and practicing Muslim Jurist (Faqeeh) is Superior than thousand worshipers.
  • “World” is that work which does not serve the purpose of acquiring the Hereafter.
  • Silence is the best treatment for anger.
  • To carry the burden of others concludes the respect of a worshiper.
  • This World has been created a temporary abode by the Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, and placed in trust to the travellers of the Hereafter. Take only those provisions which are beneficial and do not lust after that which you are going to leave behind.
  • The slippery tongue is much more dangerous than the slippery feet.
  • The one dirham charity of a poor person is better than 10,000 dirham charity given by the rich.
  • If you are prepared to commit a sin, then search for a place where Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala does not exist.
  • O People! If you do not want to worship the one true Lord, then do not utilize that which He has created. It is better that the World regard you as a criminal in relations to Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala thereby regarding you as a hypocrite.
  • To see the learned ('Aalim) and pious keeping the company of the rich and wealthy is a testimony of hypocrisy.
  • Do not trade or deal with an oppressor or his associates.
  • To cry in Paradise is surprising, yet more astonishing is to laugh in the World.
  • When you have no rights on the perfume, you should close your noses to it, for even its scent is forbidden to you.
  • Save oneself for praising the corrupt wealthy, for the praise of an oppressor reveals the Wrath of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
  • To publicly give charity with an intention to entice people to be charitable is better than giving charity secretly.
  • To think that Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala Almighty is present with you at every given moment is the most excellent form of Faith.
  • A Polite person who wishes for anything in this World or in the Hereafter will definitely get his wishes granted.
  • Those that deal with Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala with sincerity and honesty hate to deal in any other affairs without sincerity and honesty.
  • A beast of burden recognizes his master yet people do not recognise their Master (Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala).
  • Once in the reign (Khilafat) of Sayyidun 'Uthman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, there was a great drought. People began to sell their valuables and possessions cheaply to supplement their necessities. Sayyiduna 'Uthman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho was informed that a certain orchard was being sold at a very cheap price and he should buy it. So he decided to buy it. On his way to purchase the orchard, he came across many people who were poverty stricken, starving and distressed. On seeing the condition of these people, he became very perturbed and unhappy. He distributed the entire money he had with him amongst the people. When he returned to his home, he was asked if he had purchased the orchard. He answered, “Yes! I have bought an orchard in Paradise for you all.”
  • All good deeds are associated with Modesty and all bad deeds are with Immodesty.
  • Backbiting and malice causes injury to three people. Firstly to oneself, secondly towards whom it is directed to and thirdly to the person who is listening.
  • To desire the administration of justice, is Paradise of the World.
  • Whosoever repairs his own shoes, visits an ailing servant, washes his own clothes and also patches it, then that person is free from pride and boastfulness.
  • People are spies of your vices.
  • The sword wounds the body while insults hurt the soul.
  • A person does not become a Faithful servant, until and unless he distances himself from sin and those that praise and respect him (because of his status) become his equal.
  • The best sanctity for a Muslim male is, when he guards his tongue, his sexual organ and his gaze.
  • Amongst the sinners, the gravest is he who finds the time, to discuss the faults of others.
  • The disgrace and disrespect shown to a Muslim is due to him straying from his religion and is not due to lack of gold (wealth).
  • For a needy and poor person to come to you, is a gift to you from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
  • The skin of a beloved or favorite person becomes soft just like his heart. His dedication is prominent. The softness of his skin and heart is noticeable and he finds peace only in the Remembrance of his Creator.
  • To find a person steadfast on Truth are far and few, but many are those with status, dignity and high moral values.
  • No matter how destitute a person is, he should never feel subjugated.
  • When a person’s tongue becomes quiet and friendly then his heart becomes pious and clean.
  • If I sleep at night and awake in the morning repentful, then I find this better in comparison to staying awake the whole night and rising up in confusion.
  • To do the most disliked of occupations is better than begging.
  • Sin in any manner would at some time, make ones heart restless.
  • Remember your kafan (shroud for covering the dead) instead of beautiful clothes, remember the grave instead of the luxuries of lavish mansions and remember all that delicious foods you feast on shall one day make you a delicious feast for the worms.

— — 
Benediction be upon the ascetic of Mosque of Ahmad
Countless salutations be upon the wealth of army of povertyCountless salutations be upon the bride groom of two lights of chasisty
who was indeed the excellent chain of the scattered pearls of the Holy Quran.

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Gems of Wisdom by Ameer al-Mu'mineen Sayyiduna 'Umar al-Farooq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho

  • To eat less is healthy, to speak less is wisdom, and to sleep less is worship.
  • To speak less is wisdom, to eat less is healthy and to mingle less with the people is safe and serene.
  • The one who steps back will not progress.
  • Nothing is worst that avarice that destroys the mind, not even Alcohol.
  • It is unbecoming of that person who sits with his hands folded and prays to ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala for sustenance. ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala does not rain down gold and silver from the heavens.
  • To earn a suspicious living is worse than begging.
  • The biggest gift after Iman (Faith) is your wives.
  • Attain knowledge before old age settles in.
  • Extravagance is also when a person eats whatever he wishes.
  • Whosoever hides his secret keeps his safety, safeguarded with himself.
  • The person who calls himself learned, indeed he is ignorant, and the one who calls himself from the dwellers of Paradise surely he is from the dwellers of Hell.
  • Tawbatun-NasooHa (Accepted forgiveness) is the name of that forgiveness that is asked for a bad deed committed, in such a manner that he never returns to or commits that bad deed again.
  • The Strength in action is, never to put of what you can do today for tomorrow.
  • It is not becoming of a Muslim to sit down and start praying for sustenance without attempting to earn it, he is well aware that gold and silver does not rain from the skies.
  • If it wasn’t for the claim of knowledge of the unknown then I would say five people are from the dwellers of Paradise:
  1. That family man who is poverty stricken but is patient
  2. That women with whom her husband is happy and accepting.
  3. That woman who forgives he husband’s duty of Mehr (Dowry approved by Muslim law)
  4. That person with whom his parents are Happy
  5. And that person who honestly repents from his sins
  • Once a sheep was slaughtered and Syeduna 'Umar al-Farooq Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho persistently asked his servant if he had first sent meat to his neighbor who was a Jew. The slave asked why you are asking the same question persistently. He answered that ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and his Rasūl Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam had constantly stressed the importance of neighbors therefore I too am persistent in stressing the same.
  • Three things build love:
  1. To make Salam (greeting)
  2. To make space for a person in a gathering
  3. To address a person in a respectable and good manner
  •  There are four types of Regrets:
  1. Regret that spans over a day e.g. When a person leaves his home without eating.
  2. Regret that spans over a year, just like the negligence shown when cultivating.
  3. Regret that spans over a lifetime, when a man and his wife are unsuited to each other.
  4. Regret that is eternal, which is when your Creator is unhappy with you.
  • There are three types of people:
  1. Successful: he who listens to the advice of people and ponders over it.
  2. Lazy or Lethargic: he who does what he wants without consultation or advice of people.
  3. Corpse: who neither gives nor listens to advice and consolation.
  • Sayyiduna 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho on many an occasion asked this du'a (supplication) to ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala so that certain situations should always remain with him and some things should be removed, the Du'a is: “O ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala! Make me such that I may speak with intellect or reap tolerance with silent. O! ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala do not bestow upon me too many favours, so that I may not be confused by it, not too little that I may forget You. Hence, little yet sufficient in comparison to having plenty thereby becoming indulgent and committing sin.”
  • If ever you see a learned person ('Aalim) leaning towards this World, then know this he is blameworthy for his Religion, because the universal harm is that if a person desires something then he is constantly engrossed in its quest.
  • Faith (Iman) is to regard the Oneness of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala in ones heart proclaim it with your tongue and to obey the fundamental Islamic Instructions.
  • The relationship of true humility and genuine fear of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is with the heart and not by a show of outward actions.
  • Why have you made slaves of those whose mothers had given birth to them free?
  • Judgments or Settlements in any cases should be done quickly, so that the accused, due to a prolonged period of time are not compelled to withdraw their accusation.
  • It is absolutely necessary not to associate with a beast for though he wishes or means well, yet he would still be accused of committing a crime.
  • ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, shower your Blessings of Mercy on that person who informs me of my faults.
  • When a learned man takes a false step then he ensnares himself in a World of wrongdoings.
  • One day a man was praising Hadrat 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, he replied by saying why are you destroying me even more with my desires (Nafs).
  • I am not a fool, but I pretend to be a fool, in order to fool the fool. And just when the fool thinks I am a fool, I will expose the fool and show to him that he is the fool.
  • I do not look at anything, except, that I see everything with ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
  • If I die in this condition that I have strived to earn an honest living then it is more beloved to me than even dying as a Martyr.
  • Good behavior towards people is equivalent to wisdom, to request politely is half of knowledge, and to ascribe to sound policies is half of one’s livelihood.
  • To educate a material person is like placing a sword in the hands of a robber.
  • Do not have Faith in a person’s compassion and politeness when he cannot keep his anger under control.
  • Do not have Faith in a religious person who is not tested during temptation.
  • He is a friend who brings to your attention your faults and to sing praises of a person in his presence is similar to slaughtering him.
  • Laughing decreases ones age, while politeness, glamor, pomp and show which ease living standards are indications of people who are unaware of death.
  • To show greed and avarice is impoverishing, to be unselfish is enriching and to wish compensation in patience.
  • Good deeds are the fulfillment of one’s rights and to do good deeds is a substitute for bad deeds.
  • To speak less is wisdom, to eat less is healthy, to sleep less is a prayer and there is peace in solitude.
  • Youth before old age and old age before death is a blessing of life.
  • A generous person is the beloved of Almighty ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala even though he is a transgressor. A miser is the enemy of Almighty ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala although he may pray and remember Almighty ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala excessively.
  • To forgive an oppressor is oppression upon the oppressed.
  • When you combine lawful with unlawful gains then the unlawful contaminates the lawful gains though it may be little.
  • A Mu'min does not keep as his friend one who is opposed to Almighty ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and his Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam even though that person may be his mother or father.
  • The sound of music and that of a mourner are two of the worst sounds.
  • There is tranquility and peace in anonymity and confidentiality.
  • We should leave the other nine portions out for the fear of Haram (unlawful). (i.e. if in ten portions one is Haram a Muslim would leave the other nine portions out meaning anything unlawful would be completely left out).

  • Desire is never achieved without fear, nor manners and etiquette without formality, or happiness without peace or wealth without gifts or poverty without contentment, or dignity without politeness or Jihad (holy war) without diving guidance and assistance.
  • Respite before preoccupation and old age before death is a blessing of life.
  • Honour and dignity in this World is measured by wealth while honour and dignity in the Hereafter is measured by good deeds.
  • Save yourself from the Fires of Hell even if it means by doing a favour with half a date (fruit). If this too is not possible then with sweet words.
  • After Iman (Faith), there is no greater gift than a pious wife.
  • Not to postpone is strength in action.
  • Whosoever shows you your faults, he is your friend. Those that pay you lip service in praise are your executioners.
  • One who guards his secrets is surely safe.
  • The person who constantly discloses my faults to me is dearest to me.
  • Fear that person who you dislike.
  • When Sayyiduna 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho camped on the outskirts ofJerusalem to conquer Bait al-Maqdas, the Christian Crusaders were terrified of his presence and requested a meeting with him before handing over the keys of the city. The Crusaders met him whilst he wore a patched garb. They asked him the reason as to why his name generated such immense awe and fear that captured the hearts of his enemies. He replied; “Your kings taught you to love the World (Duniyah) and its wealth and our Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam taught us to fear ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and love death.
  • He is an intelligent person who can translate his actions into good.
  • Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.
  • There is never a chance of pain in the neck if one does not raise his head too high in the air.
  • Do not forget about yourself whilst being concerned for others.
  • To stop sinning is easier than to bear the burden of seeking repentance.
  • Remove your gaze from the splendor of the World. Do not let the love of this World enter your heart. Beware! The love of this World does not perhaps destroy you, just as it had destroyed previous nations.
  • Victory is gained through strategy and trust in ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, not by wishful thinking.
  • The most intelligent amongst you is he who fears ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala the most.
  • Be sympathetic towards the poor so that they may be able to speak and build courage.
  • Extend a hand of friendship to a foreigner because if his stay is extended then he would leave his valuable possessions to return to his own country and leave that person responsible for his valuables who had been most worthy of his attention
  • Do not taunt and curse anyone for this gives rise to collective evils in a person.
  • One should not judge a person by the number of Salaat (prayer) or Roza (fasting) but by his wisdom and honesty.
  • To die for the right is better than to live for falsehood. Courage is recommend, cowardice is detestable, and falsehood is vulnerable to vanish!
  • Prayer is connected to the heart not by mere apparent actions.
  • To educate a seeker of materialism is to place a sword in the hands of a highway robber.
  • Do not trust the character of one who cannot control his temper.
  • To laugh excessively is a sign of no remorse for death.
  • To side with the oppressor is oppression on the oppressed.
  • Death is the best teacher.
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Fazail wa Manaqib | Sayyiduna Farooq-e-Azam Umar Ibn al-Khattab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu

وہ عمر جس کے اعداء پہ شیدا سقر ؛ اس خدا دوست حضرت پہ لاکھوں سلام
فارق حق و باطل امام الہدیٰ ؛ تیغ مسلول شدت پہ لاکھوں سلام
ترجمان نبی ہمزبان نبی ؛ جان شان عدالت پہ لاکھوں سلام
نہیں خوش بخت محتا جان عالم میں کوئی ھم سا ۔۔۔ ملا تقدیر سے حاجت روا فاروق اعظم سا
مراد آئی مرادیں ملنے کی پیاری گھڑی آئی ۔۔۔ ملا حاجت روا ہم کو در سلطان عالم سا
فدا اے ام کلثوم آپ کی تقدیر یاور کے ۔۔۔ علی بابا ہوا دولہا ہوا فاروق اکرم سا
شیاطیں مضمحل ہیں تیرے نام پاک کے ڈر سے ۔۔۔ نکل جائے نہ کیوں رفاض بد اطوار کا دم سا
ترے جود و کرم کا کوئی اندازہ کرے کیونکر ۔۔۔ ترا اک اک گدا فیض و سخاوت میں ہے حاتم سا
خدارا مہر کر اے ذرا پرور مہر نورانی ۔۔۔ سیہ بختی سے ہے روز میرا شب غم سا
منائیں عید جو ذی الحجہ میں تیری شہادت کی ۔۔۔ الٰہی روز و ماہ و سن انہیں گزرے محرم سا
حسن در عالم پستی سر سفعت اگر داری ۔۔۔ بیا فرق ارادت بردر فاروق اعظم سا

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